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The heartwarming story of two sisters who save their kingdom through the love for each other, Frozen is noted for its distinctive designs, eye-catching costumes, and beautiful snowy vistas. Filled with stunning Imagery of the film's gorgeous environments and memorable characters, such as Anna, Elsa, Kristoff, and Olaf—this poster book…

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Rp 75.000

The heartwarming story of two sisters who save their kingdom through the love for each other, Frozen is noted for its distinctive designs, eye-catching costumes, and beautiful snowy vistas. Filled with stunning Imagery of the film's gorgeous environments and memorable characters, such as Anna, Elsa, Kristoff, and Olaf—this poster book contains forty, full-color, removable posters, showcasing the spectacular design aesthetic that has helped to make Frozen a treasured addition to the Disney universe. Each Poster is easy to remove and perfect for displaying.

Spesifikasi Produk

ISBN 9781608875979
Berat 1381 Gram
Dimensi (P/L/T) 40 Cm / 30 Cm/ 0 Cm
Halaman 40
Jenis Cover

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