Ketersediaan : Habis


Deskripsi Produk

Classic picture book partners David James Sheen and Roberts David join together again to create a hilarious set of jungle stories that will have children laughing and learning at the same time. The easy-to-read, rhyming text and the colourful, engaging characters and guaranteed to become children's favourites.

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Rp 22.000

Rp 15.000

Classic picture book partners David James Sheen and Roberts David join together again to create a hilarious set of jungle stories that will have children laughing and learning at the same time. The easy-to-read, rhyming text and the colourful, engaging characters and guaranteed to become children's favourites.

Spesifikasi Produk

SKU EXS-4185
ISBN 9789799839978
Berat 100 Gram
Dimensi (P/L/T) 0 Cm / 0 Cm/ 0 Cm
Halaman 32
Jenis Cover

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