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With 18 cool vehicle sounds, including an amazing song, this fantastic book is an action-packed adventure. Press the sound buttons to hear Police Car, Ambulance, Fire Engine, and lots of noisy rescue boats, trucks and bikes. A rhyming story and awesome artwork make this the perfect book for noisy vehicle…

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Rp 140.000

With 18 cool vehicle sounds, including an amazing song, this fantastic book is an action-packed adventure.
Press the sound buttons to hear Police Car, Ambulance, Fire Engine, and lots of noisy rescue boats, trucks and bikes. A rhyming story and awesome artwork make this the perfect book for noisy vehicle fun.

Spesifikasi Produk

SKU BBW-1567
ISBN 978-1-78440-830-5
Berat 803 Gram
Dimensi (P/L/T) 30 Cm / 28 Cm/ 0 Cm
Halaman 10
Jenis Cover

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