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In this fantastic book, children can learn with their hands and their ears as they play along to the story. With beautiful illustrations, this exciting book encourages children to listen, learn and play along with the fully interactive xylophone kit. Di bagian bawah bukunya ada xylophone warna-warni & pemukul-nya. Bukunya…

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Rp 140.000

In this fantastic book, children can learn with their hands and their ears as they play along to the story. With beautiful illustrations, this exciting book encourages children to listen, learn and play along with the fully interactive xylophone kit.

Di bagian bawah bukunya ada xylophone warna-warni & pemukul-nya.
Bukunya berisi lirik lagu anak terkenal dan not-not melody nya dengan kode warna jadi anak bisa belajar memainkan lagu tersebut dengan memukul-mukul xylophone nya dengan mencocokan kode warna pada buku dan warna pada xylophone.
Ada 6 tombol melody: Old MacDonald, Incy Wincy Spider, One Two Three, Wheels on the Bus, Twinkle Twinkle Little Star, Hickory Dickory Dock.

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Spesifikasi Produk

ISBN 9781784403799
Berat 700 Gram
Dimensi (P/L/T) 24 Cm / 19 Cm/ 0 Cm
Halaman 8
Jenis Cover

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