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Seri The Twin Explorer: Keliling Kota Naik Bus Tingkat (Boardbook)

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Rafa dan Safa mendapat kejutan. Ayah dan Bunda mengajak mereka keliling kota naik bus istimewa. Hm ..., apa istimewanya, ya? Yuk, ikuti petualangan mereka!   Rafa and Safa get an exciting surprise. Mom and Dad take them around the town on a special bus. Curious about what makes it special?…

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Rp 79.000

Rp 63.200

Rafa dan Safa mendapat kejutan.
Ayah dan Bunda mengajak mereka
keliling kota naik bus istimewa.
Hm ..., apa istimewanya, ya?
Yuk, ikuti petualangan mereka!

Rafa and Safa get an exciting surprise.
Mom and Dad take them around the town on a special bus.
Curious about what makes it special?
Let’s join them on their thrilling adventure!

Tentang Benny Rhamdani

Spesifikasi Produk

SKU PB-022
ISBN 978-623-254-423-9
Berat 480 Gram
Dimensi (P/L/T) 17 Cm / 17 Cm/ 0 Cm
Halaman 20
Jenis Cover

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