Ketersediaan : Habis


Deskripsi Produk

I am the song of the dinosaurs. For millions of years my tune filled the air... In the whisper of leaves, caught on the breeze, Travelling unseen, but I was still there.

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Rp 90.000

I am the song of the dinosaurs.
For millions of years my tune filled the air...
In the whisper of leaves,
caught on the breeze,
Travelling unseen,
but I was still there.

Spesifikasi Produk

SKU BBW-1462
ISBN 978-1-84857-799-2
Berat 412 Gram
Dimensi (P/L/T) 23 Cm / 28 Cm/ 0 Cm
Halaman 30
Jenis Cover

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