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Deskripsi Produk

Total Grammar is an English grammar reference and practice book that adopts a learner-centred and level-appropriate approach, that enables intermediate learners to learn effectively, in pairs and groups. The twenty well-structured lessons are written in easy-to-understand terms and organised into grammatical categories. A carefully sequenced series of exercises stimulate learners…

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Rp 35.000

Rp 25.000

Total Grammar is an English grammar reference and practice book that adopts a learner-centred and level-appropriate approach, that enables intermediate learners to learn effectively, in pairs and groups. The twenty well-structured lessons are written in easy-to-understand terms and organised into grammatical categories. A carefully sequenced series of exercises stimulate learners to recognise errors and discover how to fix them, thus improving their grammar skills as well as inspiring relevant critical and creative thinking skills.

Spesifikasi Produk

SKU GAE17026
ISBN 9789835039676
Berat 360 Gram
Dimensi (P/L/T) 19 Cm / 26 Cm/ 0 Cm
Halaman 188
Jenis Cover

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