Ketersediaan : Habis


Deskripsi Produk

Everytime I perform on stage and make something out of my compositions, I always have these 9 personas that I show and express - Joy,Love,Courage, Fear,Wonder,Disgust,Anger,Sadness and Hope/Peace.This book is a result of my collaboration with some beutiful mind of Indonesian visual creators in channelling my personas through their own…

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Everytime I perform on stage and make something out of my compositions,
I always have these 9 personas that I show and express - Joy,Love,Courage,
Fear,Wonder,Disgust,Anger,Sadness and Hope/Peace.This book is a result
of my collaboration with some beutiful mind of Indonesian visual creators in
channelling my personas through their own interpretation.

Spesifikasi Produk

SKU LT001032
ISBN 9786026283016
Berat 300 Gram
Dimensi (P/L/T) 0 Cm / 0 Cm/ 0 Cm
Halaman 0
Jenis Cover

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