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Write and erase in this new Dora the Explorer Look and Find book. This book is filled with Look and Find challenges as well as Picture Puzzles featuring the intrepid explorer, Dora. Use the erasable marker to indicate what you've found. When you're done, simply erase and start all over…

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Rp 85.000

Write and erase in this new Dora the Explorer Look and Find book. This book is filled with Look and Find challenges as well as Picture Puzzles featuring the intrepid explorer, Dora. Use the erasable marker to indicate what you've found. When you're done, simply erase and start all over again! This book will provide hours of fun and exploration for the Dora fans in your household

Spesifikasi Produk

ISBN 9781450840811
Berat 572 Gram
Dimensi (P/L/T) 28 Cm / 22 Cm/ 0 Cm
Halaman 28
Jenis Cover

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