Ketersediaan : Habis


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Learning first concepts is fun with Hello Kitty! Inside this big and busy board book, young Hello Kitty fans will love to learn their colors, shapes, first words, numbers, and opposites with their favorite character and her friends. With doors to slide open, flaps to lift up, stencils to draw…

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Rp 75.000

Learning first concepts is fun with Hello Kitty! Inside this big and busy board book, young Hello Kitty fans will love to learn their colors, shapes, first words, numbers, and opposites with their favorite character and her friends. With doors to slide open, flaps to lift up, stencils to draw round, and different textures to touch and feel, there is so much in Playtime to engage and entertain preschoolers as they learn through play.

Spesifikasi Produk

ISBN 9780312519544
Berat 653 Gram
Dimensi (P/L/T) 28 Cm / 26 Cm/ 0 Cm
Halaman 12
Jenis Cover

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