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Deskripsi Produk

Julius is a finger puppet in this adorable board book celebrating the fun and importance of color! Turn the rainbow-shaped pages and help Julius paint his favorite things, from a red fire truck to yellow pencils to blue waves. The grand finale is a rainbow of color and friends!

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Rp 65.000

Julius is a finger puppet in this adorable board book celebrating the fun and importance of color! Turn the rainbow-shaped pages and help Julius paint his favorite things, from a red fire truck to yellow pencils to blue waves. The grand finale is a rainbow of color and friends!

Spesifikasi Produk

ISBN 978-1452102221
Berat 236 Gram
Dimensi (P/L/T) 18 Cm / 18 Cm/ 0 Cm
Halaman 10
Jenis Cover

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