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Buku augmented reality 4D Magic seri Counting 123 penerbit Little Hippo. High recommended! Paling banyak dicari. Terdapat Animasi setiap halaman buku. Download aplikasi LIttle Hippo terlebih dahulu pada ponsel Anda. The future of reading is here! Little Hippo" Books has reimagined traditional children'''s books with interactive stories and adventures to engage…

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Rp 90.000

Buku augmented reality 4D Magic seri Counting 123 penerbit Little Hippo.
High recommended! Paling banyak dicari.
Terdapat Animasi setiap halaman buku. Download aplikasi LIttle Hippo terlebih dahulu pada ponsel Anda.

The future of reading is here! Little Hippo" Books has reimagined traditional children'''s books with interactive stories and adventures to engage and excite even the most reluctant readers.

Make learning the 1-2-3's magical for a little one with our Counting Come-to-LifeTM Augmented Reality book.The colorful pages become a fun and interactive experience where the numbers jump up off the page to become 3D characters.Children can meet Professor Little Hippo and then practice tracing numbers, counting and have fun as they learn their first numbers.

Detail Buku:
8'''x8''' Padded Board Book
24 halaman
Rekomedasi untuk anak usia: 1 - 5 tahun

Tonton videonya di sini:

Spesifikasi Produk

ISBN 9781787006775
Berat 500 Gram
Dimensi (P/L/T) 21 Cm / 21 Cm/ 2 Cm
Halaman 24
Jenis Cover

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