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Thor, Prince of Asgard, is destined to become king. But Thor is arrogant and impulsive. To teach his son a lesson, Odin Allfather banishes Thor to Earth. Can the Good of Thunder learn humality from mankind? Only then will he become a truly mighty leader! Bruce banner wasn't always strong,…

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Rp 85.000

Thor, Prince of Asgard, is destined to become king. But Thor is arrogant and impulsive. To teach his son a lesson, Odin Allfather banishes Thor to Earth. Can the Good of Thunder learn humality from mankind?
Only then will he become a truly mighty leader!

Bruce banner wasn't always strong, powerful or incridible. When an experiment went wrong, Dr bruce banner was hit by a blast of dangerous gamma radiation. Discover how it transformers the mild-mannered scientist into a rampaging monster know as the incredible Hulk!

Spesifikasi Produk

ISBN 9781474883238
Berat 591 Gram
Dimensi (P/L/T) 23 Cm / 29 Cm/ 0 Cm
Halaman 100
Jenis Cover

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