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Explore one of the most intricate and fascinating environments of the natural world. This fantastic book allows you to explore the ocean and discover our incredible underwater world, complete with example of the most remarkable and diverse life forms, from the shallow waters teeming with life and brightly coloured coral…

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Rp 85.000

Explore one of the most intricate and fascinating environments of the natural world. This fantastic book allows you to explore the ocean and discover our incredible underwater world, complete with example of the most remarkable and diverse life forms, from the shallow waters teeming with life and brightly coloured coral reefs, to the desolate depths of the darkest oceans.

The vast ocean is home to the most rich varied life forms, from whales and dolphins, to fish of every shape, colour and size. With stunning photography and a comprehensive and factual text, this book offers insight into an incredible part of our world, most of which is still a wonderful mystery.

Spesifikasi Produk

ISBN 9780857342546
Berat 867 Gram
Dimensi (P/L/T) 26 Cm / 21 Cm/ 0 Cm
Halaman 221
Jenis Cover

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