Ketersediaan : Habis


Deskripsi Produk

From Johanna Basford, 20 of her images from The Secret Garden coloring book are included in this unique Artist's Edition. The detailed pen and ink drawings of flora and fauna are printed on high-quality card to accept a wide variety of art materials. The pages measure approximately 10 by 13…

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Rp 90.000

From Johanna Basford, 20 of her images from The Secret Garden coloring book are included in this unique Artist's Edition. The detailed pen and ink drawings of flora and fauna are printed on high-quality card to accept a wide variety of art materials. The pages measure approximately 10 by 13 inches and are removable and are suited for framing. A great pastime that can be enjoyed by more than one person at a time.


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Spesifikasi Produk

ISBN 9781780677309
Berat 562 Gram
Dimensi (P/L/T) 25 Cm / 34 Cm/ 0 Cm
Halaman 20
Jenis Cover

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