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Sloth`s Surprise

Deskripsi Produk

Sloth is going to a birthday party. But Sloth is very slow! He eats very slowly. He walks very slowly. Oh, no! Is Sloth going to be late for the party?   Keunggulan Diuji melalui uji lapangan di sekolah Penulis dan ilustrator telah melalui workshop dengan standar internasional Ilustrasi yang…

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Sloth is going to a birthday party.
But Sloth is very slow!
He eats very slowly.
He walks very slowly.
Oh, no! Is Sloth going to be late for the party?



  • Diuji melalui uji lapangan di sekolah
  • Penulis dan ilustrator telah melalui workshop dengan standar internasional
  • Ilustrasi yang indah dan penuh warna
  • Cerita ditulis dengan cara yang menarik
  • Kisah yang lucu dan menghibur


  • Tested through field testing in schools
  • The author and illustrator have gone through workshops with international standards
  • Beautiful and colorful illustrations
  • The story is written in an engaging way
  • A funny and entertaining tale


Tentang Andina Subarja

Spesifikasi Produk

SKU NR-363
ISBN 978-623-242-106-6
Berat 140 Gram
Dimensi (P/L/T) 24 Cm / 24 Cm/ 0 Cm
Halaman 34
Jenis Cover

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