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Dear Reader... Are you sitting in a well-lit room? Are your nearest & dearest with you? If not, put down this take of terror at once! But, if you are feeling brave, peek through the windows, open the doors, & follow me on a truly horrible adventure. Be warned! What…

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Rp 105.000

Dear Reader... Are you sitting in a well-lit room? Are your nearest & dearest with you? If not, put down this take of terror at once! But, if you are feeling brave, peek through the windows, open the doors, & follow me on a truly horrible adventure. Be warned! What you find in the depths of the very last page may be the most monstrous being you have ever met.

Spesifikasi Produk

ISBN 978-0-85723-956-3
Berat 600 Gram
Dimensi (P/L/T) 26 Cm / 26 Cm/ 0 Cm
Halaman 12
Jenis Cover

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