Raja Patmaraga amat mendambakan keturunan. Setelah berdoa dan bermohon pada Tuhan, Raja menemukan seorang bayi di sungai. Bayi itu dijunjung oleh buih-buih, sehingga tidak tenggelam. Raja Patmaraga hendak mengambil bayi itu, tapi bayi itu menolak dan mengajukan syarat. Apa syarat yang diminta bayi itu? Mampukah Raja Patmaraga memenuhinya?
King Patmaraga longed for having a child of his own. After praying and seeking for help from the Almighty God, he found a baby in a river. The baby was hold afloat by foams so that it would not sink. King Patmaraga was about to get the baby, when it rejected him and proposed several conditions if he wished to take it out from the water instead. What were the conditions? Could King Patmaraga grant it?