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Sometimes I Lie

Deskripsi Produk

2018 Goodreads Choice Awards Finalist: Best Mystery & Thriller Indie Next Pick for March and November 2018 LibraryReads March 2018 LitHub: The Most Anticipated Crime, Mystery, and Thriller Titles of 2018 USA Today: 5 New Books Not to Miss Bustle: The 13 New Thrillers Goodreads Users Are Most Excited About…

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2018 Goodreads Choice Awards Finalist: Best Mystery & Thriller
Indie Next Pick for March and November 2018
LibraryReads March 2018
LitHub: The Most Anticipated Crime, Mystery, and Thriller Titles of 2018
USA Today: 5 New Books Not to Miss
Bustle: The 13 New Thrillers Goodreads Users Are Most Excited About This Spring
Entertainment Weekly: 10 Best New Thrillers

Namaku Amber Reynolds. Ada tiga hal yang perlu kau ketahui tentangku:

  1. Aku dalam keadaan koma.
  2. Suamiku tidak lagi mencintaiku.
  3. Terkadang, aku berbohong.

Tentang Alice Feeney

Spesifikasi Produk

SKU ND-378
ISBN 978-602-385-623-7
Berat 380 Gram
Dimensi (P/L/T) 14 Cm / 21 Cm/ 0 Cm
Halaman 396
Jenis Cover

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