Buku HAPPINESS IS HOMEMADE… - Puty Puar | Mizanstore
Ketersediaan : Habis


    Deskripsi Singkat

    A blogger, illustrator, and doodle artist—Puty Puar—shares her simplest yet deepest thought about life through this charmingly illustrated book. What is happiness? Where do we find it? Putty fills each page with such sweet illustrations and insightful list to make us feel happier and more grateful. Because in the end,… Baca Selengkapnya...

    Rp 89.000 Rp 30.000

    A blogger, illustrator, and doodle artist—Puty Puar—shares her simplest yet deepest thought about life through this charmingly illustrated book.

    What is happiness? Where do we find it?

    Putty fills each page with such sweet illustrations and insightful list to make us feel happier and more grateful. Because in the end, happiness is in our hearts, it’s not a matter of size; big or small, close or far, alone or together. Happiness is indeed homemade.

    You may show a little love for this book by share your snap on social media. Please do tag us—@byputy and @hihomemade, on Instagram!


    Keunggulan Buku

    Buku dikemas ulang dalam kemasan ekslusif dengan hardcover, yang lebih compact sehingga mudah dibawa ke mana pun.

    Buku ini menjadi penyemangat pembaca di saat-saat jenuh. Karena kadang, bahagia itu tidak harus bepergian ke tempat-tempat indah, bahagia itu sesederhana dimulai dari rumah. Penuh warna, gambar, dan tulisan-tulisan pendek yang nyaman dibaca serta mudah dimengerti—meski ditulis dalam bahasa Inggris.

    Puty Puar merupakan ilustrator, blogger, dan influencer media sosial yang aktif, kerap melahirkan ide-ide menarik seperti Komik Persatuan Ibu-ibu

    Puty merupakan ilustrator dari buku laris bertema serupa, 365 Ideas of Happiness (2015) dan 365 Ideas of Happiness edisi Republish (2018)


    Spesifikasi Produk

    SKU BI-150
    ISBN 978-602-430-515-4
    Berat 240 Gram
    Dimensi (P/L/T) 11 Cm / 18 Cm/ 0 Cm
    Halaman 164
    Jenis Cover Hard Cover

    Produk Puty Puar

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