Buku KINA'S STORY: KINA… - Maudy Ayunda | Mizanstore
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    Deskripsi Singkat

    Our world needs people who seek to understand, rather than assume without knowing. Here Kina learns to embrace change and not judge others. Behind the Book This book and the Kina’s Story series is the result of a beautiful coincidence. It is a retelling of short tories I wrote when… Baca Selengkapnya...

    Rp 99.000 Rp 84.150

    Our world needs people who seek to understand, rather than assume without knowing. Here Kina learns to embrace change and not judge others.

    Behind the Book
    This book and the Kina’s Story series is the result of a beautiful coincidence. It is a retelling of short tories I wrote when I was 10 years old, found accidentally in my old archives. With some encouragement, I decided to simplify it and share it to the world with a mission: to promote literacy, bilingual learning, and meaningful moral stories accompanied by captivating imagery as beautifully crafted by my good friend Kathrin.

    I hope that all of us - adults and children alike - can smile and find inspiration from these pages.

    Yours truly,
    Maudy Ayunda

    Keunggulan Buku

    - Ditulis oleh Maudy Ayunda
    - Diilustrasikan dengan sangat apik oleh Kathrin Honesta
    - Full color, hard cover, dan bilingual (Indonesia-Inggris)
    - Bisa dibaca oleh semua segmen usia, anak-anak & orang tuanya, remaja, maupun dewasa muda
    - Ceritanya simpel dan ringan namun menyimpan pesan yang sangat dalam
    - Cerita yang akan membawa Anda kembali ke memori masa kecil Anda


    Spesifikasi Produk

    SKU BY-017
    ISBN 978-602-430-518-5
    Berat 360 Gram
    Dimensi (P/L/T) 21 Cm / 21 Cm/ 0 Cm
    Halaman 40
    Jenis Cover Hard Cover

    Produk Maudy Ayunda

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