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KKPK English Competition #2: Were the Hackers!

    Deskripsi Singkat

    Buku anak seru karya penulis cilik berusia 6-12 tahun dengan tema fantasi dan persahabatan. Cocok buat kamu yang suka berimajinasi. Biar lebih seru, jangan lupa baca bareng bestie! Tentang Were the Hackers Blurb Jack was playing games when his computer suddenly blue-screened. Being an experienced hacker from a family of… Baca Selengkapnya...

    Rp 49.000 Rp 41.650

    Buku anak seru karya penulis cilik berusia 6-12 tahun dengan tema fantasi dan persahabatan. Cocok buat kamu yang suka berimajinasi. Biar lebih seru, jangan lupa baca bareng bestie!

    Tentang Were the Hackers
    Jack was playing games when his computer suddenly blue-screened. Being an experienced hacker from a family of good hacking experts, this was a piece of cake for Jack.

    However, when his monitor displayed a text of a NoEscape.exe, things took a turn. A dangerous computer virus was suddenly leaked through the Internet! No one in the world knew what happened.

    In an action-packed adventure, Jack and his family were called to help the National Secret Agency to identify the virus and find a way to destroy it. They were divided into three tasks: Mom would get as much information about the virus, Jack would find the location of the source of this virus, and Jacks little sister, Volta, would research the concept of this virus and use programming to get resources from the Internet.

    Lets get to work! said Mom. What exactly is this NoEscape.exe virus? Are Jack and his family experienced enough to solve this case?

    KKPK English comic edition consists of five stories written by the winners of the KKPK English Short Story Competition. Check out the stories and find a free Indonesian translation inside!

    Keunggulan Seri Kecil-Kecil Punya Karya (KKPK)
    - Sejak 2003, KKPK merupakan seri yang menerbitkan karya anak-anak Indonesia usia 6-12 tahun. Seri ini menjadi pelopor media literasi bagi anak-anak untuk membuat kreasi berupa cerita.
    - Seri KKPK mengangkat tema yang beragam. Tema-tema tersebut dapat disingkat menjadi 5F, yaitu: Family, Friendship, Food, Frightening, dan Fantasy.
    - Seri KKPK sangat asyik untuk dinikmati anak-anak, karena ceritanya dibuat oleh anak-anak dan ditujukan untuk pembaca berusia anak-anak. Selain itu, tema cerita yang diangkat juga dekat dengan kehidupan anak.
    - Sampul Seri KKPK dibuat dengan gaya ilustrasi populer yang akrab dengan anak-anak masa kini, sehingga memiliki daya tarik visual bagi anak-anak.
    - Mengasah kemampuan anak-anak dalam menulis, berpikir kritis, dan berkarya.

    Selain itu, di buku hasil Roadshow KKPK ini, juga ada 4 cerita lainnya:
    Kenzo, the Super Police Officer M. Yusuf Sulaimansyah
    My Lost Birthday Khadijah Jasmine
    Singing with Magic Paramitha P. Yulianto
    The Abandoned Manor Arzachel Syahmi

    Usia : 6-12 tahun
    Format buku : Softcover
    Ukuran : 14,5 x 21 cm
    Halaman : 88
    Bahasa : Inggris

    Salman A. Fuadi
    M. Yusuf Sulaimansyah
    Khadijah Jasmine
    Paramitha P. Yulianto
    Arzachel Syahmi

    Ilustrator sampul: Asep Vess
    Komikus: Shafira Octaviany

    Spesifikasi Produk

    SKU RK-1923
    Berat 250 Gram
    Dimensi (P/L/T) 15 Cm / 21 Cm/ 0 Cm
    Halaman 88
    Jenis Cover Soft Cover

    Produk Salman A. Fuadi dkk

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