Buku KKPK SPECIAL EDITION:… - Ahmad Zayd… | Mizanstore
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    Deskripsi Singkat

    Zayd doesn’t mean to wake up at 3 AM if it’s not for his little sister Talia. And, if they hadn’t woken up, maybe they wouldn’t have been thrown into some parallel universe. It’s the exact copy of their normal world! Except, everything is glitching, like in video games when… Baca Selengkapnya...

    Rp 39.000 Rp 33.150

    Zayd doesn’t mean to wake up at 3 AM if it’s not for his little sister Talia. And, if they hadn’t woken up, maybe they wouldn’t have been thrown into some parallel universe. It’s the exact copy of their normal world! Except, everything is glitching, like in video games when the character we play becomes too pixelated that we can’t be sure if the game is broken or it’s just lagging. To make things worse, some weird, glitchy creature is trying to attack Zayd!

    Along the way, Zayd encounters almost all of his classmates, who fall down the parallel world in their own ways. Alba mentions that they need to find the source of the crystal, which emits an aura of Unglitch that can destroy any glitch particles. She says it’s their only way out.

    Join Zayd and his friends explore the uncharted glitchy world, with its mysterious chambers and trap doors. What will they do when one of their friends is being controlled by the glitch? Will they survive and go back home?

    Keunggulan Buku

    • Sejak 2003, KKPK merupakan seri yang menerbitkan karya anak-anak Indonesia usia 6-12 tahun. Seri ini menjadi pelopor media literasi bagi anak-anak untuk membuat kreasi berupa cerita.
    • Seri KKPK mengangkat tema yang beragam. Tema-tema tersebut dapat disingkat menjadi 5F, yaitu: Family, Friendship, Food, Frightening, dan Fantasy.
    • Seri KKPK sangat asyik untuk dinikmati anak-anak, karena ceritanya dibuat oleh anak-anak dan ditujukan untuk pembaca berusia anak-anak. Selain itu, tema cerita yang diangkat juga dekat dengan kehidupan anak.
    • Sampul Seri KKPK dibuat dengan gaya ilustrasi populer yang akrab dengan anak-anak masa kini, sehingga memiliki daya tarik visual bagi anak-anak.
    • Mengasah kemampuan anak-anak dalam menulis, berpikir kritis, dan berkarya.


    Spesifikasi Produk

    SKU RK-1805
    ISBN 9786232542792
    Berat 100 Gram
    Dimensi (P/L/T) 15 Cm / 21 Cm/ 0 Cm
    Halaman 80
    Jenis Cover Soft Cover

    Produk Ahmad Zayd al-Malik

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