Buku Shoo! Shoo! - IZZAH ANNISA | Mizanstore
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Shoo! Shoo!

    Deskripsi Singkat

    It is a very hot day and the mud pool is the best place to stay cool for rhinos. But the mud is too dirty for Sero. Until an insect begins to bother him.... And more insects are coming! Oh, no! What will Sero do in the end? Keunggulan Diuji… Baca Selengkapnya...

    Rp 99.000 Rp 65.000

    It is a very hot day and the mud pool is the best place to stay cool for rhinos.
    But the mud is too dirty for Sero.
    Until an insect begins to bother him....
    And more insects are coming!
    Oh, no! What will Sero do in the end?


    • Diuji melalui uji lapangan di sekolah
    • Penulis dan ilustrator telah melalui workshop dengan standar internasional
    • Ilustrasi yang indah dan penuh warna
    • Cerita ditulis dengan cara yang menarik
    • Kisah yang lucu dan menghibur
    • Tested through field testing in schools
    • The author and illustrator have gone through workshops with international standards
    • Beautiful and colorful illustrations
    • The story is written in an engaging way
    • A funny and entertaining tale

    Tentang IZZAH ANNISA


    Izzah Annisa berdomisili di Bandarlampung. Bertualang bersama teman-teman dan membaca buku di atas pohon adalah hal yang sangat disukainya waktu kecil. Hingga kini, penulis komik best seller Serial Pahlawan Islam ini masih aktif menulis buku dan komik anak. Dia sangat senang jika buku-bukunya disukai dan bermanfaat bagi pembaca. Karya-karyanya bisa dilihat lebih lengkap di izzahannisa.com

    Izzah Annisa lives in Bandar Lampung, Lampung, Sumatra. She loved going on adventures with her friends and reading books on top of a tree when she was little. She’s now written many books and children’s comics, including the bestselling Serial Pahlawan Islam. She’s very happy when her books are well liked and when they bring benefits to the readers. Find more about her works on www.izzahannisa.com

     “Halo! Saya Aprilia Muktirina (HeyApriliaa). Lahir dan besar di Yogyakarta. Sempat menempuh pendidikan jurusan seni rupa dan sekarang fokus full time sebagai ilustrator. Sangat suka bermain piano dan jamming musik bersama teman-teman. Oh iya, jangan salah. Namaku memang April, tapi lahirnya di bulan Desember. Luv.”

    Aprilia Muktirina (@HeyApriliaa) was born and raised in Yogyakarta. She studied fine arts and is now a full-time illustrator. She loves playing the piano and jam with her friends. By the way, her name is April, but she was actually born in December.

    Spesifikasi Produk

    SKU NR-354
    ISBN 978-623-242-105-9
    Berat 140 Gram
    Dimensi (P/L/T) 24 Cm / 24 Cm/ 0 Cm
    Halaman 26
    Jenis Cover Hard Cover


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